Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Proverbs 22

Read Proverbs 22:1 – 7. In this section, we hear several verses about riches and consequences. Do we really believe that a good name is better than riches (v. 1)? Many of us pursue riches as a primary goal. Few pursue a good name apart from its value for obtaining other desirable things. Verse Two adds depth to Verse One. If both the rich and poor are created by God and answer to Him equally, how much value will a good name, presumably earned through wise living, have when our lives comes to an end? Consider the things you have used your last 24 hours to pursue? How much time did you invest in the pursuit of temporary things? How much in the pursuit of eternal things? What could you do to increase your pursuit of things such as a good name?

Verse Six may be the most well-known verse in Proverbs, with the possible exception of Proverbs 3:5 – 6. It is often treated as a promise. But wisdom sayings like those found in Proverbs are meant to describe what usually happens, not guarantee what will happen in every case. Verse Seven describes the natural relationship between a person who borrows money and the person who lends its. In what way have you found yourself to be a “servant” to those individuals or organizations to which you owe money?

Read Proverbs 22:8 – 16. A significant number of these verses deal with speech and judgment. Compare Verses Ten and Eleven. Mockers create strife, quarrels, and insults. Gracious speech creates friendship, even at high levels. Do you find yourself drawn more to those who are clever, witty, and critical in their speech, or those who speak graciously? Why do you think you are attracted to one kind of speech over the other? If the clever mockers are your favorite people, what do you gain from them?

Choose one proverb from this chapter, which fits your life today. Memorize it. Read it aloud several times, emphasizing a different word each time. Close your eyes and recite it. Repeat this process several times until you are confident you know it. Pray and ask God to bring it to mind several times today. Recite it mentally each time it occurs to you. At the end of the day, take a moment to consider how it has applied to your life.

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