Saturday, August 11, 2012

Proverbs 11

Sometimes Proverbs look like timeless bumper stickers that fit today just as when they were penned centuries ago. Today’s verses deal with a variety of situations, from honesty in financial dealings to slander. Solomon was known for both his wisdom and riches. His wisdom puts wealth in perspective in verse 4 where he notes “Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.”

How often do we find our world revolving around money, either chasing it or trying to figure out how to best spend it? Both can be exciting. How fast does the news of the latest great sale at our favorite store rip through our community when the word of righteousness travels at a much slower pace? What are we quick to seek out, then share with others? What do we truly value?

As you read Proverbs 11, you are encouraged to mark a handful of verses that strike your life. Meditate on these verses and ask how God wants them to be lived out in your day-to-day life here in North County. Sometimes we see Scripture as being theoretical or philosophical, but it is so much more. Scripture comes to life as we live it. How much of the wisdom of Proverbs 11 will you live out in the coming week?

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